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What is "Expressiveness"? Part 2

What is "Expressiveness"? Part 2
One of the current goals of Japanese education is " Expressiveness building." " Expressiveness " is the ability to make it easier for others to understand what you want to express. We have discussed this in the previous post.
You can find the previous post here!
As the second method for easier understanding, I will introduce the "PREP method."
"PREP" stands for:
P: Point (Conclusion)
R: Reason
E: Example (Specific examples)
P: Point (Repeat the conclusion)
Starting with the "conclusion," as the name suggests, is a method used when you want to emphasize the conclusion. By mastering this technique, you can present your opinions logically and persuasively when you need to answer questions or address issues that require discussion or debate.
For instance, if the topic is "Which do you prefer, baseball or soccer?" the structure would be as follows:
P: I prefer baseball.
R: Because it has the excitement of unpredictability.
E: For example, if a team is losing 10-0 in soccer, it is almost impossible to make a comeback. However, in baseball, a comeback is very possible.
P: This excitement is why I prefer baseball.
This is a very simple example, but you can use the same structure for more complex topics.
There are many other techniques as well, so please try to master them!