資料請求 入学申込

“Elite Japanese Language School” -Act to achieve goal and keep your faithエリート日本語学校

Road to graduate school 6 Part II

Article: Last time, we have talked about the importance of contacting professors in advance.
Today, we would like to talk about writing e-mails.
Greeting sentences are very important. So look carefully at the examples, and try to avoid making mistakes in Japanese.
「●●大学(University Name)●●研究科(Graduate School Deparment)
 ●●先生(Professor Name)
(This is a template/example, of what you can write to your professor as a greeting)
The greeting is basically a brief self introduction and your current situation.
For the next post, we will be sharing with you some examples of what to write!
Keep your eyes peeled!
Make sure to read the professor's paper before sending the email.
There is no point in sending an e-mail without reading the professor's paper at all.
As we've mentioned the last time, graduate school professors are busy, so it expect a delay in reply.
Don't panic if you don't get a reply, try sending it to a few schools you've been eyeing on.