the field you can study at universities and junior colleges in Japan
What is your interest? And what do you want to study in Japan?
Today we want to show you the field that you can study at universities and junior colleges in Japan.
①人文科学系 Humanities
[学問の特徴] Caracterictics of this study
In this field you can study culture as a whole created by human.
Study what human's true character is and what human to be,such as Philosophy,Language,Literature,history and so on.
文学 Literature, 語学 Language, 哲学 Philosophy, 宗教学 Religious studies, 歴史学 History, 地理学 Geography, 文化学 Cultural studies, 心理学 Psychology and so on
②社会科学系 Social Sciences
[学問の特徴] Caracteristics of this study
Study society scientifically from different viewpoints,such as Laws,Politics and Economics.This study is to unravel objectively varios social phenomenons and pursue the truth.
経済学 Economics, 経営学 Business Management, 商学 Commerce, 会計学 Accounting, 法学 Laws, 政治学 Politics, 社会学 Sociology and so on.
③自然科学系 Natural Sciences
[学問の特徴]Caracteristics of this study
Study "nature" in this field.Base science such as phisics,chemistry and biology,and apply that knowledge to Engneering,Agriculture and Medical Care.
理学 Sciences, 工学 Engneering, 農学 Agriculture, 獣医畜産学 Veterinary Animal Husbandry, 水産学 Fisheries, 看護 Nursing, 医療 Medical Care, 保健 Health, 医学Medicine、歯科 Dentistry, 薬学 Pharmacy and so on
④融合分野 Fusion field
[学問の特徴]Caracteristics of this study
Study problems without being bound by conventional way and with fusion method that we can't solve with only expert knowledge.
教育学 pedagogy, 家政学 Home Economics, 体育学 Phisical Education, 健康学 Health Studies, 芸術学 Arts, 教養学 Liberal Arts, 国際関係学 International Relations, 人間科学 Human Science, キャリア創造学 Career Creation, 地域創造学
Regional Creation,
How was it? Have you found any fields you are up to?
We are planning to introduce the fields that you can study in Japanese vocational schools,too.You will love it!
What is your interest? And what do you want to study in Japan?
Today we want to show you the field that you can study at universities and junior colleges in Japan.
①人文科学系 Humanities
[学問の特徴] Caracterictics of this study
In this field you can study culture as a whole created by human.
Study what human's true character is and what human to be,such as Philosophy,Language,Literature,history and so on.
文学 Literature, 語学 Language, 哲学 Philosophy, 宗教学 Religious studies, 歴史学 History, 地理学 Geography, 文化学 Cultural studies, 心理学 Psychology and so on
②社会科学系 Social Sciences
[学問の特徴] Caracteristics of this study
Study society scientifically from different viewpoints,such as Laws,Politics and Economics.This study is to unravel objectively varios social phenomenons and pursue the truth.
経済学 Economics, 経営学 Business Management, 商学 Commerce, 会計学 Accounting, 法学 Laws, 政治学 Politics, 社会学 Sociology and so on.
③自然科学系 Natural Sciences
[学問の特徴]Caracteristics of this study
Study "nature" in this field.Base science such as phisics,chemistry and biology,and apply that knowledge to Engneering,Agriculture and Medical Care.
理学 Sciences, 工学 Engneering, 農学 Agriculture, 獣医畜産学 Veterinary Animal Husbandry, 水産学 Fisheries, 看護 Nursing, 医療 Medical Care, 保健 Health, 医学Medicine、歯科 Dentistry, 薬学 Pharmacy and so on
④融合分野 Fusion field
[学問の特徴]Caracteristics of this study
Study problems without being bound by conventional way and with fusion method that we can't solve with only expert knowledge.
教育学 pedagogy, 家政学 Home Economics, 体育学 Phisical Education, 健康学 Health Studies, 芸術学 Arts, 教養学 Liberal Arts, 国際関係学 International Relations, 人間科学 Human Science, キャリア創造学 Career Creation, 地域創造学
Regional Creation,
How was it? Have you found any fields you are up to?
We are planning to introduce the fields that you can study in Japanese vocational schools,too.You will love it!